VT Nation Trading Sdn Bhd 成立于 2005 年 12 月 7 日,在进出口业务方面拥有丰富的经验,主要专注于整个半岛马来西亚以及东马来西亚的批发商。

Our motto is “We Deliver Our Promise”
We strive to provide our customers the best possible service available and we achieve this motto by meeting and understanding the demands of the customer and ultimately endowing satisfaction and fulfillment to our clients.
We focus on proposing cost effective logistics for air and sea freight forwarding service in addition to fulfilling the market demands. Check out our latest pricing 这里.

We seek and strive to be customers’ obvious choice for logistic services and aim to grow in a steady and befitting pace to a level of strength and prominence in our areas of operation.
We also aspire to boost our brand to a variety of audience through our social media platforms to an extent where our brand is well known to the majority of the public. 加入我们 一起实现这个的目标
- 电话号码: 03-61488108 / 03-61518106
- Facebook: VT Nation Logistics
- 传真号码: 03-6148 8106
- 电子邮件: vtnation@gmail.com
- 微信
- 请点击以下的二维码以进行扫描
- Vivien 012 511 8107
- Miss Tan 012 350 8107
- 隐私和政策